Love Data Week: Reading Romeo and Juliet as a Network Graph
Love Data Week: Reading Romeo and Juliet as a Network Graph
Friday, February 15, 2019
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Franke Family Digital Humanities Laboratory
Celebrate Love Data Week with an information session on Gephi, free online software for generating network graphs. During this session, we’ll look at what Gephi is capable of by using character interactions in Romeo and Juliet as our dataset.
Questions we’ll explore include: how can we turn a play into a network—and what is lost and gained in the process? what can networks tell us about the development of character relationships over time? and how might we use networks to study subcommunities within a literary text?
All are invited to attend. To register, please visit the YUL Instruction calendar.
Presenter: Catherine DeRose (DHLab)